Kumpulan Ucapan Hari Valentine Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

Halo sahabat semua?. Tidak lelah - lelahnya saya memposting di blog ini. Kali ini blog Cara-Cara Terbaru memposting artikel Kumpulan Ucapan Hari Valentine Bahasa Inggris Terbaru 2014. Sebelumnya saya sudah memposting beberapa artikel yang juga berterkaitan dengan artikel ini. Masih tentang hari valentine. Hari Valentine merupakan perayaan yang sangat spesial bagi sebagian orang, banyak para remaja indonesia yang merayakan hari valentine dengan memberikan sebuah bingkisan, bunga ataupun hanya sekedar kata ucapan valentine, untuk kamu yang akan memberikan ucapan pada hari valentine yang jatuh pada tanggal 14 Februari nanti dapat melihat koleksi kata-kata ucapan dan sms valentine di bawah ini.
Kata - Kata Hari Valentine, Ucapan Valentine Terbaru, Kumpulan Ucapan Valentine, Sms Valentine, Hari Kasih Sayang, Kado Valentine, Gambar Valentine, PutuGiBagi
Ucapan hari valentine berikut ini merupakan kumpulan kata-kata hari valentine dalam bahasa inggris yang dapat kamu kirim melalui SMS, BBM ataupun sebagai update status facebook. Silahkan anda simak!.
I dream about you evey night
I shiver when your in sight
I long to hold you close n tight
I wanna be there with all my might
I m just hoping I'm the girl whos right

C.L.I.C.K. means :
C= cant live without u
L= love u
I= i miss u
C= care about u
K= kiss from my heart 2 u
So whenever u miss me just say CLICK.

Memories r treasured
no1 can steal.
Parting is heartache
no1 can heal.
Sum'll 4get u wen ur gone
but i'll remember u
no matter how long..

D smallest word is I,
the sweetest word is LOVE
and the dearest person
in the world is U.
tats y I Love You..:)

A special smile, a special face.A special someone i cant replace. I luv u,i always will.U have filled a space no one can fill!

You put the fun in together,
The sad in apart,
The hope in tomorrow,
The joy in my heart.

A word to say, a word to hear
Even in ur absence i feel u near
R relation is strong..hope it goes long
v wil remain d same til d life goes on!

Ucapan Hari Valentine Bahasa Inggris

At Every Point Of Life I’ll Be There
For You Either Its Darkness Or Light.
There Comes A Point In Your life Where,
You Realise Who Matters, Who Never Did,
And Who Always Will, Happy Valentine’s Day

Love Demands Only Care And Attention
And I love You Not Because Of Who You Are
But Because Of Who I Am When I Am With You
Happy Valentines Day My Love

Your Love Has Bounded Me In A New World
Have You Ever Wondered Which Hurts The Most
Saying Something And Wishing You Had Not
Or Saying Nothing And Wishing You Had

No Could Be As Like You As Smart
You Are For Just Like Family Mart
My Love For You Is Like A Fart
Everything About It Is Powered By My Heart

My Uncondition Love Is Only 4u
A Smile To Put u On Hight,
A Kiss To Set ur Soul Alright,
Would It Be Alright If,
I Spent Tonight Being Loved By u

It Was You Who Change My Life From Hell To Heaven
I trip every time I see you or hear your name
I guess I really did fall for you
Be My Valentine, Happy Valentines Day
Semoga Kata - Kata Valentine Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru ini bermanfaat untuk anda semua. Terima kasih dan jangan lupa berkomentar dibawah ini :).

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